Do you think you know everything about Dinosaurs?

Vinayak Shukla
2 min readJul 13, 2021
Feathered Dinosaurs

If you think dinosaurs are just big scaly carnivorous, then think again. In this article I will share some facts about dinosaurs and a glimpse from 65 million years ago.

Mostly when we think about dinosaurs, first image in mind comes that they are scaly lizard, but fun fact is that dinos were feathered. You would probably be amazed, most of land dinos were feathered. Scientists found out this by birds, you might be confused that how birds can be related to dinosaurs. As I said scientists found out the relativity. In addition to that they also found out that dinos were also birds, just to be clear Pteranodon were not birds, they were huge flying reptiles. Scientists guessed that when the asteroid hit the earth and destroyed the dinos, the smaller ones survived and descended directly from the theropod group of dinosaurs and are themselves a subgroup within the Dinosauria (terrible lizard). It has been suggested that feathers had originally evolved for the purposes of thermal insulation, as remains their purpose in the down feathers of infant birds today, prior to their eventual modification in birds into structures that support flight.

Behavioral evidence, in the form of an oviraptorosaur on its nest, showed another link with birds. Its forearms were folded like a bird, it is likely that these would have been used to insulate eggs. Dinos are also lot like today’s creatures. Some are very socialistic while other’s have a bit of rivalry. Most herbivores like Triceratops traveled in huge herds, while carnivores were loners. Sometimes herbivores even migrated because either weather was too cold or hot.

So, these are the facts of dinos that you probably did not know. I hope you now imagine feathered dinos along scaly ones.

